The seven C’s of an effective legal communication
Communication is a key factor in the legal profession. Lawyers need to know how to transmit in an effective way their goals or objectives to their clients in order to be successful. It is important to keep in mind the seven C’s that should be in every legal activity that involves the act of communicating with other people. These elements will provide a high level of effectiveness in the clients or other professionals as the mails, reunions, essays or reports will result in a total comprehension of what the lawyers want to transmit.
This seven tips will also prevent misleading in the understanding of the content of the speech, discussion, letter or conversation between the legal workers and customers. These C’s will guarantee a clear way of communication in the legal sector and, in addition, will ensure that everyone, including foreigners, to understand everything the lawyer wants to convey.
The seven C’s:
Conciseness: Sometimes, lawyers forget that they are using legal technicalities that can be misleading for people that don’t work in this professional sector. If the document or speech can be made by using less and easier words will end in a more understandable result.
Correctness: It is necessary to make an effort to spell and articulate correctly names and places. If the lawyers are not sure, they should check in advance in order to prevent mistakes. Some names of different cultures can be difficult to differentiate its gender so, to not offend anyone, it is better to ask and verify.
Concreteness: The principal idea has to be always clear. Use only the details when its necessary but the rest has to be concrete.
Clarity: In some legal issues, the formulation of concepts in legal documents can be really complex. It is important to ensure that when someone that has not been involved in the writing of the report can understand the document in an easy way. It is important to prevent the Latin language or idioms that can be difficult to comprehend.
Completeness: The bast majority of legal communication tasks are related to inform a clients with all the information that they may need. Lawyers have to ensure that the customers have all the information for their case.
Coherence: In the legals studies, lawyers learn how to think in a coherent and logical way. Professionals need to keep this thinking method in order to not to jump from a conclusion to another conclusion and prevent confusion among the tasks.
Courtesy: The communication has to be friendly, professional and honest. Its an element really helpful, specially when there are different cultures and languages in the legal activity.
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