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UK Athletics charged over Paralympic athlete's death
UK Athletics and its former chief executive, Keith Davies, have been charged with manslaughter following the death of Paralympic athlete Abdullah Hayayei, who was killed when a metal cage fell on him while he was training.
The Crown Prosecution Service announced the conviction of the federation in a press statement on Wednesday: ‘Following consideration of the evidence provided by the Metropolitan Police Service, the Crown Prosecution Service has authorised criminal charges to be brought against UK Athletics and a 77-year-old man’.
The Crown Prosecution Service has charged UK Athletics with manslaughter and a breach of the Health and Safety at Work Act. Keith Davies, who was in charge at the time, has also been charged with gross negligence manslaughter. Both Davies and UK Athletics are due to appear at Westminster Crown Court on 31 January to address the case.
The events took place on 11 July 2017 while the F34 class Paralympic thrower was in London preparing for the Paralympic World Championships, which were being held in the English capital at the end of the week. When the hammer cage collapsed while Hayayei was training, he received a severe blow to the head, killing him instantly.
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