The matter of the humanization of the legal profession
The effects of the Covid -19 had in the population are still being suffered. It also provoked an acceleration of some socioeconomic factors that were taking small steps in the past such as the digital transformation, the technological advances and the social and political polarization. This aspects have exposed the fragility of human relationships showing the social issues that are being experienced. The pandemic has made a reminder that interpersonal contact is a fundamental feeling that everyone wants to have, and the legal sector has a challenge with the humanization of the profession.
Lawyers have failed to respond in a correct way to the social needs during this time of uncertainty. This vision is also shared by the constitutional law professor of Harvard University, Ralph S. Tyler Jr., that has stated that: “something has gone badly wrong. We have forgotten what law is for”. The common good which was a essential element of the profession has been replaced by the ideologies and the factionalism.
There are some tips to keep in mind in order to humanize law and convert it into a more accessible, relatable and humane practice. In the current world, the profession is still characterized by a remote, forbidding and arcane methods.
How to humanize law
The first thing to deal with in the legal sector is to maintain a good human interaction because people are the essence of the profession. The legal services are only affordable to a small proportion of the population, so it is important to make it accessible to the rest of the society and provide the best client-lawyer relationship in order to create a new legal culture that has the purpose to serve people and to solve their problems. This is a fundamental key of the common good of the law.
Another issue that needs to be addressed is the lack of diversity in law. It is required to build a legal sector that resembles the society it serves and the complexities they face as a community. The profession should be also aligned with those for whom it is supposed to serve.
In order to build a public trust among the lawyers and their work it is necessary to develop some skills to provide the customer the best interaction possible. It is fundamental to provide a humane, compassionate and equitable service so that the clients are more comfortable with sharing their problems which will result in a faster and better way of reaching a solution.
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