Factors that determine why clients choose a law firm
The legal profession has changed a lot in recent years, the disruption of new technologies in the legal sector, also known as LegalTech, has transformed the way lawyers work, and with it, offers of law firms have grown. But for a law firm to stand out in the market, it has to differentiate itself from the competition and in order to achieve that it is necessary to have marketing and communication strategies.
When people have a problem and want to avoid legal conflicts or need advice for a business transaction, they are faced with the difficult decision of choosing a lawyer. Potential clients evaluate all the positive and negative aspects that a law firm can offer before hiring its services, such as prices, location of the office or the opinion of former clients, among other aspects.
What are the factors that influence clients to choose a firm?
• Internet placement
The arrival of the internet has changed the way in which users search for information about a law firm. It is common for them to use the internet to find information about legal services companies, so it is important to have good marketing on social media.
The company must create valuable content on its own website or corporate blog in order to have a well-positioned, interesting page that conveys a good image of the law firm and its lawyers. The use of keywords in the content will help the law firm to improve its SEO placement and appear among the first results of the search engine.
• The company's human resources team
Lawyers who specialize in a particular subject are better suited to specific cases because they have more information or have had more in-depth professional training on the issues in that subject. When choosing a lawyer or law firm, clients look for experience and good results in the field.
• Rate flexibility
The price of legal services varies depending on the reputation, the turnover of the law firm and its employees. For those reasons, money is one of the main factors that clients consider when hiring a lawyer: the financial outlay it will cost them.
To attract clients' attention, law firms can make their fees more flexible. The work of a lawyer is a difficult and time-consuming task, so it is not fair to demand a bid from them, but it is true that each matter has a different complexity. Lawyers can explain to clients the legal needs involved in each matter and the time and resources that will be invested in that particular case so that they understand the price of the service. Moreover, they can provide them with payment terms.
• Trust and constant attention
Small details make the difference. The way of working and the behavior towards the client is fundamental for them to trust the law firm. When the first contact is made, the lawyer must respond briefly, listening carefully to the clients and showing interest for their case. It is important that the lawyer puts himself in the client's shoes, explains the complexity of the case, the possible solutions and even the difficulties that could happen in the resolution of the litigation.
• Satisfied customers
Many people hire legal services through the Internet, however, many others do so on the recommendation of others. If clients have hired the service of a law firm to solve their legal problems and have been satisfied with the lawyer-client relationship, they will recommend the firm to their family and friends when they have a legal problem.
It is important for lawyers to help clients to make their situation that it is usually complex and stressful, more bearable. Law firm employees should leave a positive impression with clients.
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