Jorge Pintó Sala

Corresponding Academician of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain. Managing Director of Economist & Jurist Group and ITTI Sports Institute. Lawyer.

Jordi Pintó Sala holds a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona (UB) and after a period of internship in Brussels (Braun, Claeys, Berveke & Sorel LLP), he joined the Bar Association of Barcelona in 1986 and later on also the Bar Association of Madrid.

For more than 30 years of practice, he has developed his career in Jausàs, Pintó & Terricabras LLP, Pintó Ruiz LLP and in the Advisory of the Difusión Jurídica Group. He has been Professor of Corporate Law at the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía (ISDE).

In the field of sports entities, he has been Secretary of the Economic Commission of F.C. Barcelona (1990-2003) and Treasurer of its management commission under the chairmanship of Dr. Trayter (2003).

He was founder of the Spanish Association of Construction Law, which is part of the European Society of Construction Law. Member of the Interamerican Bar Association (IBA) and member of the governing board of the Spanish Chapter of the same. Member of the Editorial Taxation Commission of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE).

He currently combines the practice of law with other responsibilities, such as, for example, Director of the Center for Knowledge Management of Difusión Jurídica and Current Matters Group (Economist & Jurist), Director of the Editorial Board of the publication specializing in law and real estate market “Inmueble”, Member of the Editorial Board of the Spanish Journal of International Relations, founded by the association of United Nations fellows of the Carlos III University and finally, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía (ISDE). 

Additionally, Jordi Pintó Sala is co-author, among other works, of: Comments on the Law on Urban Leases (Bosch 1994), Commercial and Civil Contracts (Difusión Jurídica 1997), Sale and Rental of Real Estate (Plaza & Janés 2000 ). International Law and Advocacy (Iuris Omnes 2005 LPG), and Worker Civil and Commercial Contracts (Difusión Jurídica 2007)

Finally, it should be noted that Jordi Pintó is an Academic of Honor of the International Academy of Sciences, Technology, Education and Humanities, and, by agreement of the Municipality of Lima (Peru) on July 31, 2004, the mayor of the same D. Luis Castañeda Lossio granted him the title of Guest of Honor of the City. He was awarded the Commendation of the Order of Civil Merit in December 2016.


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