Cybersecurity is a key element to safeguard firm data
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The importance of having computer technicians in the firm
The increase in the use of new technologies in any area of society has caused cyber attacks to become more common. For this reason, it is necessary to have protection systems that guarantee the security of all data and information of the company or, in this case, of the legal firm. Lawyers are guilty of not knowing the advantages of having cybersecurity systems in their firms and, therefore, they do not use them. This is a serious mistake since professionals in the legal sector leave a large amount of data and information of a confidential and private nature exposed to possible attacks.
Cybersecurity is defined as the strategies and protection systems against malicious attacks on electronic or intelligent devices. Since law firms are being digitized and all their content is being transferred to servers, it is vitally important to have a team of professionals specialized in cybersecurity so that case information is not in the public domain.
Essential steps
Computer scientists specialized in cybersecurity fulfill several functions that will safeguard the reputation and data of the legal firm. For this reason, they first carry out what is known as the identification process, which consists of analyzing the operation of the firm's technological infrastructures and, later, cybersecurity is prepared to minimize the risks in the systems, people, assets, data, information and capabilities.
After that initial step, a team will be developed to ensure security and reduce the damage that attacks can cause. Thus, it is also noteworthy that professionals are trained to detect, with the help of tools, the type of attacks that are taking place and the scope it has on the legal firm.
The last tasks are the most important since it deals with the way in which you are able to respond to the attack and the amount of information and data that can be recovered. This will also help the firm know what their risks are, what areas need to be strengthened, and be more prepared for future attacks.
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