Why half of Millennials are stressed most of the time?
The Global Millenial Survey 2020 conducted by Deloitte reflects the views of Millenials and Gen Zs, pointing out their values and beliefs as well as concerns. This year, the report includes data both pre-pandemic and during the COVID-19 crisis
Key findings regarding the impact of COVID-19 include a dip in stress levels, shifts in personal and societal concerns, and increasing individual accountability for millenials and Gen Zs. Very likely, resilient generations play an important role in creating a “better normal”, shaping the post-pandemic world significantly. Younger generations have been hit especially hard by pandemic-related shutdowns, but yet their values don´t seem to have been compromised by the crisis. Although they do without any doubt experience a lot of tension, they also seem to see it as an opportunity to lead to a change after emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some of the most relevant findings of the survey are:
- Almost half (48%) of Gen Z and 44% of millennial respondents in the primary survey said they’re stressed all or most of the time. Nevertheless, anxiety levels fell in the pulse survey.
- Half of respondents in the primary survey said they believe it’s too late to repair the damage caused by climate change, but in the pulse survey this figure dropped, indicating that the pandemic brought some hope that the planet can still be saved.
- The pandemic has brought about an even stronger sense of individual responsibility, with the intention of taking into account other´s needs and to have a positive impact on communities.
- Both generations said they’ll make a special effort to more actively patronize and support businesses, especially the smaller and local ones, after the pandemic.
- Most respondents gave businesses and governments high marks for their pandemic responses.
- Many millenials and Gen Zs are financially prudent and literate.
- When the needs of employee´s are addressed – from diversity and inclusion to sustainability and reskilling – there´s a rise in job loyalty.
Certainly, the world that follows the pandemic will be different than the one we know before, probably more aligned with the ideals that millennials and Gen Zs have expressed in this and previous Millennial Surveys.
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