25 January 2021

"Lawyers are discovering that they can rely on automation to ensure reliability in their decision-making"


The Impact Lawyers interviews Olga V. Mack, CEO of Parley Pro, a contract lifecycle management platform

What is the main goal of Parley Pro?

Parley Pro is a modern, (truly!) collaborative, and intuitive contract lifecycle management (CLM) platform that has pioneered digital negotiation technology. Using smart collaboration, Parley Pro speeds up contract cycles by seamlessly bringing together people and data in one transparent workspace. Learn more here.   

Which characteristics make Parley Pro a unique project? 

Parley Pro is contract management software built for today. The platform is everything you need to manage your entire contracting process with ease, and nothing you don’t. Among other things, we:

Improve visibility and control over your contracts with best-in-class contract automation and workflow tools. 

Automate routine tasks, boost efficiency, and accelerate the contract cycle.

Build trust with partners and find consensus faster with true real-time contract negotiation. 

Facilitate smart contract collaboration focuses everyone on resolving important issues and “redlines” within one centralized and optimized workflow.

Offer interactive contract analytics dashboards to provide complete visibility into your contract portfolio and your end-to-end contract lifecycle. This was you can see contract status and key performance indicators at a glance that help your team make data-driven decisions.

How in-house leaders can use technology to better prepare for the next crisis?

Technology’s usefulness has never been more apparent. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed companies to rely on technology as a source of stability in the virtual workplace. Lawyers are finding they can trust automation to facilitate predictability, ensure reliability, and enforce uniformity in decision-making. Ultimately, using technology now results in faster, easier access to more data-driven insights later, which helps us deal with uncertainty and chaos during a crisis and guides us in making decisions that are beneficial for our companies, our employees, and our clients for years to come. You can read more tips here.

What is shaping the future of contracts?

Lawyers rely on advanced CMS platforms to manage the multi-dimensional digital assets that are today’s contracts. CMS platforms help eliminate data silos, spreading useful information to inform and expedite decision-making. Greater diversity of thought strengthens strategic planning and enlightens assessment processes. Increased participation by other professionals frees attorneys from the exhausting daily responsibilities of maintaining the fire on our own. With the right technology, you’re in a better position to appreciate the campfire discussion, focus on long-term strategies, and optimize the value you bring to a more agile team. This transformation arrives on the heels of five larger technological trends that are redefining how businesses organize and operate: 

1. Digitization 

2. Decentralization of information 

3. Democratization of access 

4. Diversity of thought 

5. Disruption

You can read more about it here

Can corporate and environmental interests align?

Absolutely, as lawyers, we commit to protecting a company’s interests. Today, that includes making sure company behaviors align with the interests of society as a whole. Digitizing your office reduces pollution and saves trees, water, and other natural resources. Using CLM software advances your corporate sustainability initiatives through streamlined digitized processes and easier remote collaboration. At the same time, it also improves how your legal department contributes to the organization’s bottom line. Stop building paper forts around your desk and use CLM software to carry your team into a cleaner, more productive 21st century. You can read more about it here

Olga's Bio:

Olga V. Mack is the CEO of Parley Pro, a next-generation contract management company that has pioneered online negotiation technology. Olga embraces legal innovation and had dedicated her career to improving and shaping the future of law. She is convinced that the legal profession will emerge even stronger, more resilient, and more inclusive than before by embracing technology. She shares her views in her columns on the Above the Law, Bloomberg Law, Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Docket, Newsweek, and High Performance Counsel.

Olga is also an award-winning general counsel, operations professional, startup advisor, public speaker, adjunct professor, and entrepreneur. Olga co-founded SunLaw, an organization dedicated to preparing women in-house attorneys to become general counsels and legal leaders, and WISE to help female law firm partners become rainmakers. She authored Get on Board: Earning Your Ticket to a Corporate Board Seat, Fundamentals of Smart Contract Security and Blockchain Value: Transforming Business Models, Society, and Communities (Winter 2020).  

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