14 July 2020

Almost half of legal practitioners are concerned about the future of their profession

Nearly a half of international lawyers do not expect a bright future for their profession, a quarter of them are concern due to the impact of digitalization and the implementation of artificial intelligence and technology in the legal sector, according to the results published by The Mosaic Mood Index survey.

This survey has been elaborated by the Legal 500 legal directory. 94% of the more than 1470 lawyers surveyed say that the stress generated in their work affects their personal life. Many of them say that one way to improve their mood would be to talk more about their future prospects.

"This is a unique period of time, with multiple generations of workers in the workplace, each generation bringing different attitudes about work and wellbeing. Add to this the backdrop of living and working through a global pandemic, the first in living memory for any of us, and we're seeing a rapid and seismic shift in the way we work, alongside some real challenges to wellbeing," said Claire Debney and Emma Sharpe, co-founders of lawyer mentoring and training consultancy MOSAIC.

The survey shows that four out of five lawyers say they are happy with their work, but that 1 in 10 lawyers feel their superiors are looking out for their interests. Another significant figure published in this survey is that 39% of respondents say they do not have a career plan.

Among the three reasons why respondents are happy with their work are salary, quality of work, and that the work is meaningful and impacting. On the other hand, the three reasons why respondents may be unhappy with their jobs are the lack of work/life balance, the quality of the work and the salary.

Among the actions that would most favour the situation at their jobs would be the following:

- Make time for personal or professional development for myself.

- Role model positive behaviour.

- Take positive action in the workplace to make improvements. Be more supportive and vocal.

This survey was conducted electronically between February 19 and April 10, 2020, consulting lawyers from all continents. Of these, 77% work in law firms.

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