Which steps do lawyers need to take to innovate their work? Check out the new courses designed by Lucy Bassli
The Impact Lawyers interviews Lucy Bassli, a highly regarded American lawyer who will now launch a series of online courses to help modernise lawyers' legal practices
What inspired you to create the Modernizing your Legal Practice courseware?
My passion to inspire and enable lawyers to innovate and to encourage them to try new things is very personal to me. I want to inspire lawyers to think about their practice differently and to try something new, even something small.
I realized that many law firm lawyers can't embrace innovation because most of them don't know how to apply it to their practice in a practical way. It is generally a function for someone else at their firm, but not part of their day jobs.
That said, it needs to be part of every lawyers' day job! To make that a reality- I wanted to provide a resource that makes innovation less mysterious and more tangible.
What does innovation mean to you?
This is one of my all-time favorite questions, but it’s not an easy one to answer. On the one hand - you know it when you see it. On the other hand, I think we miss it sometimes right under our noses.
It is a personal journey to change how you practice law and deliver your legal services. Not everyone is at the same starting point.
What are some steps lawyers can take to get started on their innovation journey?
Innovation is not necessarily a big bang. It is a series of small, incremental changes and tweaks that continuously improve our work in a way that optimizes existing technology features, deploys newly acquired skills or empowers allied professionals [in the delivery of legal services/practice].
Three simple steps to start that journey are:
1. Explore a piece of tech that you use daily and find a new feature you have not tried before. Heard of "quick parts" in MS Outlook? Give it a shot!
2. Grab a piece of paper and using squares, arrows and circles, map the specific steps you take every time you get a new matter... get into specifics: do you search for related info? assign it to someone? record some admin data points somewhere?
3. Next written deliverable you draft for a client, ask yourself - is it too long? is there a way to use bullets or numbered lists instead of text in some parts? did I NEED all of those words?
Tell us a little about Modernizing Your Legal Practice courseware
I designed Modernizing Your Legal Practice as a series of three courses that provides a robust foundation for the modern lawyer to begin incorporating innovation principles into their practice. In the courses, I take a deeper dive into what innovation is and what it means for individuals and their clients.
The lessons include videos with live instruction and downloadable exercises that will help lawyers develop new processes with innovative solutions in mind.
How do we purchase the courseware?
Visit the page to purchase courseware and begin your innovation journey.
Because of my relationship with The Impact Lawyers, I am offering discounts on the courseware. Enter the following codes at checkout:
IMPACT10 - 10% off a single course
IMPACT20 – 20% off the course bundle
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