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There have been some really important issues during this week regarding the LGBT rights in some countries and, also, France has made a really drastic decision by banning short-domestic flights in order to prevent the negative aspects of the climate change.
South Korea
One of the most technological and advanced country in Asia has always been characterized by being really traditional and implementing difficulties and impediments for the LGBT community. This week, South Korea has introduced in the legislation the right to marry same-sex couples and, moreover, allowing them to have the same rights and benefits afforded to heterosexual married couples.
The Latin American country has made history by celebrating the first-ever court in the metaverse. The theme of the lawsuit that was argued in the virtual world was against the Ministry of Defense and National Police. For this type of judicial procedure, the court magistrate and the defendant had to accept in a previously act the permission of all the aspects of the metaverse.
The French Citizen’s Assembly has provided to the government of the country the idea of banning short-domestic flights in order to stop the negative aspects of the climate change. This has been approved and France has stated that any journey that can be made in two and a half hours or less are prohibited by plane and it can only be made by train. The French transport minister, Clément Beaune, has cited that the country cannot tolerate the super rich using private planes which cause a dangerous impact to the world.
The African country has passed an anti-LGBTQ law which includes the death penalty of queer people. The Uganda’s president, Yoweri Museveni, has passed one of the world’s toughest bill that target non-straight people which is a violation of the human rights. In addition, for those individuals who have “aggravated homosexuality” will be condemned to death.
United States
New York City is now facing an arduous situation as Airbnb has sued it as the establishment of new short-term rental restrictions has been approved. The rental international company is against one of the most known cities of the world as it has a normative that will limit the number of individuals that rentals in New York can host. Furthermore, it states that it is one of the most oppressive regulatory schemes of the country towards rental issues. The judicial procedure is still in process.
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