How to write a legal brief?
The legal profession includes a lot of different tasks that needs to be learn in order to become a relevant personality in the sector and also build a personal brand. One of the simplest but that many lawyers continue to do wrong is the writing of legal briefs which are one of the most important pieces of court documentation. It is characterized by its formality so, for that reason, many legal workers tend to abandon it and do it wrongly as it is a time-consuming activity.
Two primary criteria that will base the success of a lawyer are the ability to communicate in an effective way and put their thoughts into the writing material. It is a must for every professional of the legal sector to write persuasively but in a clear way on topics related to the law. In addition, if a legal practitioner is able to write a great legal brief, they are going to be prepared for any case or matter that happens during court.
Some of the most important aspects to keep in mind during the process of creating a legal brief is to identify correctly the issue, make persuasive legal arguments and cite well-known authorities. With this advice, the beginning of the document will have a positive result.
Content of the legal brief
Even thought each case is different, they all share similarities in the writing of its own legal brief. The paper should always show the most relevant aspects of the case and do not have more than 600 words.
Moreover, the template for the draft of a legal brief should have the following headings: firstly, the case title, the names of the people that are involved, the current situation of litigation, the examined legal matter at hand, the evidence, the rule of law that is going to be or has been applied, the lawyer’s claim and, finally, the conclusion.
In order to being successful at this task it is extremely important to read and study carefully in order to provide an accurate description of the case.
An advice to do correctly one of its most complex parts, the explanation of the rule of law that has been applied, is to summaries the concept in a couple of phrases or even only one of the laws that the court has relied on to reach to the judgement.
With time and effort, every legal professional will master the writing of legal briefs which will also empower the communication qualities of the person that is training this aspect.
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