Design your documents to make them more efficient and transparent
The Impact Lawyers interviews Luca Visconti, CEO of HUE, about designing documents to make them more efficient and transparent
Law firms pay a lot of attention to their clients, but often do not invest time in the design of the documents they produce, either for internal use or for presentation to their client, which could increase clarity and improve their efficiency. There are many tools on the market to help improve document design. The Impact Lawyers interviews Luca Visconti, CEO of HUE, a platform that allows you to improve the usability of any legal document through legal design.
1. What are the key services provided by HEU?
Heu is a law tech startup and we do legal design as a service. Our users can build their legal documents, for example privacy policy, injunction or writ of summons on the HEU editor and receive a completely re-designed document, increasing the effectiveness.
We test Our layouts on different category of persons and can give to Our users an effectiveness scale, so they can choose the best layout for their documents, selected for their type of user.
We also provide a revolutionary service for legal field, the gamification of a legal document. We can transform a legal document, such as a privacy policy or terms and conditions of sale, in a game, ready to a website.
2. Who are the potential customers of this platform?
Our potentials costumers are lawyers, startup and companies that would like to offer a different service.
One of our innovative service is for lawyers.
In Italy there is a law that provides for an increase in the remuneration of 30% liquidated from the judge, for every legal documents in a process written easily to understand and navigable, with links for attachments for example.
Our program provides a legal document that can benefit of this increase and we are the first in Italy to offer this service.
Luca Visconti is CEO of HEU
3. For what purpose did you create HEU?
We saw that legal design solve a lot of problems but it also has problems. One of this is that a legal designed document costs a lot more compared to a traditional one.
Why? Because it needs more time to produce it and a big team behind: lawyers, designers, programmers and communication experts. And it needs tests. A lot of tests on users.
With Our editor, a normal lawyer can design his document easily. We offer a builder that simplify the design process and give back a designed layout, already tested.
The lawyer only has to think about one thing: write a good text.
4. Who are the members of the HEU executive team?
We are 5 members: Me, Luca Visconti – tech/privacy lawyer, Antonio Paolo Verde designer - founding member of a visionary design studios “AIDNA”, Simona Latte a lawyer lent to communication, Stefano Quinzii a marketing expert, Alfredo Simone Visconti jurist. We also have three ghost programmers.
5. How can legal design help law firms in their daily work?
We have to disrupt a wrong idea: legal design is not only a better user interface. Legal design is a process that lead to a better document. It takes origin from design thinking and It could be very useful for law firms to create better documents.
Legal design could be also a good item to stand out from the legal market, full of lawyers with the same offer.
A lot of services are now commodities, so it is very important to offer something different or it will be only a price war.
6. What are HEU's main goals for the year 2021?
We are improving Our MVP that will include: two privacy policy layouts, one injunction, one writ of summons and two games.
We are going to work on this documents with Our beta testers that are registering on HEU website than we will add other layout and functions.
Our goal for 2021 is to arrive to have 20 (or more) tested and working layouts to offer to Our users.
We would like to offer the possibility to other designers to put their layouts to Our builder, so they can earn with HEU.
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