
22 September 2020

Cuatrecasas advises Grupo Bel to become a shareholder in a large Portuguese media corporation

Cuatrecasas has advised Grupo Bel on the negotiations for entering as shareholder in Global Media Group, a media corporation that owns 19 Portuguese media outlets such as Diário de Notícias and TSF, and holds a stake in the news agency Lusa. 

The legal team that advised Grupo Bel on the negotiations with the key shareholders of Global Media was coordinated by Francisco Santos Costa and included M&A associate Pedro Sacadura Botte, anti-Trust partner Pedro Marques Bom and anti-trust associate Bruno de Zêzere Barradas.  

The transaction will be concluded after completion of the suspensive conditions agreed.

Founded by the Portuguese entrepreneur Marco Galinha in 2001, Grupo Bel brings together companies operating in six major business areas: distribution and vending; industry, automation, aeronautic and aerospace industry; innovation, technology and communication; green transportation; real estate; and brands

Cuatrecasas is one of the most active law firms in mergers and acquisitions in Portugal and Spain. Each year it occupies the top positions in M&A rankings published by financial information agencies such as Mergermarket, Transactional Track Record and Bloomberg.


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