Corporate culture: How can a leader influence it?
When leaders consider their impact within the firm, they often do so by looking at numerical circumstances (profits, losses, etc.), but few of them focus on the development of the organisation's people
More and more leaders are paying attention to organisational change, but achieving it is difficult and many of the strategies that advocate changing the culture of a firm fail.
And many of these strategies depend on strong and effective leadership, but how do we identify leaders with these characteristics who will successfully lead corporate culture change?
- Communication
An effective leader has to know how to communicate to all employees, collectively or individually, about any kind of news, positive or negative.
The same is true for an organisational change process. The leader has to describe clearly and distinctly to his or her employees why the culture of the organisation is to be changed and where the organisation wants to go with it.
It is crucial to connect the firm's new values with the entire workforce.
- Incentivising
A leader who wants to change the culture of the organisation must be able to inspire employees and encourage them to do their best work. Employees have to face this process with motivation, under a collective vision as an organisation.
In this way, they will offer their best version of their work. Co-workers must be encouraged and involved from the very beginning.
- Commitment
An optimal description of an organisation's culture change process will help the whole company to move in the same direction. From a unified vision, employees become committed to the change of the firm they belong to.
The leader plays a key role in this characteristic as he or she has to keep the commitment of all the workers alive. This requires trust between leader and worker and clarity when undertaking each of the actions.
Workers must be aware of the consequences of each of their tasks, which helps them to have a stronger commitment to the firm and its culture change.
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