16 March 2021

Concentrate! Learn how to increase your ability to do it


There are more and more impediments that lawyers face in their day-to-day work. They have to deal with more and more multidisciplinary work, and social media and mobile phones are consuming more and more of our time. All of this undermines lawyers' concentration

There are techniques and practices that can help us to increase our concentration and many of them have to do with our daily activities. 

- Assess your mental concentration

Before proceeding with any activity that will enhance your concentration, it is necessary to make a prior assessment of your current ability to concentrate

It is necessary to see in which activities and environments you concentrate best and, on the contrary, in which you find it more difficult to concentrate.

- Make a list of distractions

In your work environment, whether at home or in the office, there are certain elements that can increase distractions. Make a list of these elements that are harmful to your concentration and analyse how to suppress them at all times. 

For example, you are very distracted by Whatsapp. A good tip is to put your phone away and remove Whatsapp Web, if you have it installed on your computer.

There are many strategies you can take to eliminate each of the distractions you notice. 

- Temporarily divide tasks

As we have discussed above, lawyers are professionals who are usually immersed in multitasking

It is important to limit tasks to a set schedule, so that you are not doing three different tasks in the next 10 minutes. It therefore requires a scheduling process prior to the start of each day. 

Divide tasks into time slots and you will increase your concentration on each of them. 

- Rest your mind

Many experts advise the same thing: rest your mind from time to time during your working day. Many professionals think this is a simple exercise, but it is not. Every lawyer has to analyse and come to the conclusion which actions give the mind a rest. Tip: it may not be about looking at your mobile phone during your minutes of rest.

Coaches for lawyers find that good physical and mental health helps workers start the working day more psychologically rested, which helps them to concentrate exponentially better. 

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