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Joanne Humber
For more than 25 years Joanne Humber has delivered IT training programmes to law firms and corporate legal departments across the world – initially through her own company and for 8 years as Director of Training for Phoenix Business Solutions.
Since leaving Phoenix in 2015 she has worked as an independent consultant, actively promoting the Legal Technology Core Competency Certification Coalition (LTC4). LTC4 was founded 10 years ago by training and IT professionals in the US and UK to address the skills gaps which exist within the global legal industry.
Joanne’s experience of working with law firms of all sizes clearly demonstrated the need to improve technology skills in a way which is relevant to the way they work, with whichever software or devices they choose to use…laptop, PC, smartphone or tablet….and wherever they may be based. The LTC4 Core Competency Learning Plans are workflow based and are now recognised as providing an industry standard for both lawyers and supportstaff. They are ideally suited to improving skills acrossthe range of applications on the modern desktop, skills which are increasingly demanded by clientsorts of more than 19,000 professionals.
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