20 July 2020

WEBINAR 23 July 10 AM (PT): Personalizing Innovation for Lawyers Today, by Lucy Bassli

The Impact Lawyers invites you to assist to a webinar presented by Lucy Bassli on Thursday 23rd July at 10.00 AM (U.S. Pacific Time) regarding the next topic: 

    Personalizing Innovation for Lawyers Today 

Lucy Bassli recently published a book “Simple Guide to Legal Innovation” and a companion “Simple Workbook for Legal Innovation” to distill the confusion about innovation. While innovation may be a buzzword across the legal industry, it does not mean that it is not an important concept. Though there is no one definition, attorneys must embrace their own version of what it means to be innovative for their practice, their clients and their business. This webinar will bring to life with practical examples what it means to be innovative and how lawyers can start making small changes today on their own personal Innovation journey. 

Do you want to join?

Please join: https://onevite.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-65R-F_qQyyioFeT3KW2-Q

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