09 July 2020

Major reform of the road transport sector in Europe

Today, the European Parliament has announced the adoption of a major reform within the sector of road transport. The reform aims to improve drivers´ working conditions, clear rules on posting of drivers, and improve the enforcement to fight illegal practices. 

Thus, revised rules are backed by the Parliament in order to stop distortion of competition in road transport and better the working conditions of drivers, including posting of drivers, driving times and rest periods, as well as a better enforcement of cabotage rules. Thus, drivers will be able to spend more time at home, competition will be fairer and illegal practices reduced. Furthermore, equal pay will be ensured. 

The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) endorsed all three legal acts without any amendments, as adopted by EU ministers in April 2020. The political agreement with the Council was reached in December 2019. The new rules will give a clear legal framework to prevent differing national approaches and ensure fair remuneration for drivers. 

The adopted rules will enter into force after they are published in the Official Journal of the EU in the coming weeks. The rules on posting will apply 18 months after the entry into force of the legal act. The rules on rest times, including the return of drivers, will apply 20 days after publication of the act. Rules on return of trucks and other changes to market access rules will apply 18 months after the entry into force of the act on market access.

For further details go to https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200706IPR82714/parliament-adopts-major-reform-of-road-transport-sector

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