24 July 2020

Lawcare announces a new chair to its board of trustees

LawCare, legal mental health charity, has announced the appointing of a new chair to its board of trustees. In this sense, Andrew Caplen replaces chair Bronwen Still as of this month.

Andrew is a Solicitor, Notary Public and a former President of the Law Society of England and Wales (2014/2015), Chair of the Law Society’s Management Board (2010- 2012) and Chair of the Law Society’s Access to Justice Committee (2008 -2012). 

As President, Andrew particularly focused upon Access to Justice together with issues relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Whilst President he also supported and highlighted the work of LawCare. He has considerable experience within the charity sector and is currently Chair of Spurgeons’ Childrens Charity and a past Chair of Southampton YMCA. He has been a trustee of LawCare since 2018.

“I am excited and honoured at the opportunity to chair LawCare’s Board of Trustees as it seeks to continue its so-important work.  Mental health and addiction issues sadly affect so many and the legal profession is by no means immune. It is difficult to underestimate the importance of LawCare and its work in providing awareness, support and that so needed ‘listening voice’", said Andrew.

Elizabeth Rimmer CEO of LawCare said: “We would like to say a huge thank you to Bronwen, who has been a fantastically supportive chair and remains a trustee of LawCare for the rest of the year. We are delighted Andrew has taken up the baton and we know he will be a great chair. We’re also excited to recruit some new trustees to our board.”

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