United Kingdom

21 January 2021

How are the UK courts operating in the face of the new variant of COVID?


HM Courts & Tribunals Service has drawn up a short and medium term plan in response to COVID-19, outlining what has changed in the way courts and tribunals operate and work

As they have been assuring in recent months, the courts and tribunals operate correctly and remain open for face-to-face court proceedings, also ensuring the safety and security of all persons. As a sign of commitment and seriousness, the security measures being implemented in public court buildings have been approved by Public Health England and Public Health Wales

There is a process in place to check compliance at each site, with checks reviewed and monitored at each court and tribunal building.

In the event of an emergency, parties to court proceedings can travel through closed areas to get to court.

In any case, it is recommended that, in the event of any symptoms or ailments, they should be tested and, in the event of a positive result, the corresponding court should be informed.

Even so, virtual court proceedings are being secured and are operating normally, either by videoconferencing or by phone

Since a few weeks ago, a new variant of COVID-19 has been spreading in Great Britain and Europe, which is why we insist on strict compliance with the basic measures to protect against the virus, such as social distance, masks, constant hand washing, among others.

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