13 April 2021

Do you want to make important changes in your law firm?


Change is often not an easy process in firms. Change in an organisation is often not as clearly understood as it is intended to be. It is necessary to explain why change is needed

This is a task for leaders.

Every change has to have a concrete context that is appropriate to the current situation. For example, it would be difficult to understand a firm moving to a larger office if it is not going through a healthy economic period. On the other hand, it would be hard to understand that the firm does not want to retain talent when there are many ongoing projects on the table. 

Change also has to move from words to action. A change in corporate culture, for example, must not be visualised from the outside, i.e. only in the eyes of customers or new partners. The change has to be clearly perceived by the firm's employees. In this respect, the HR team has to make sure that the change is noticeable inside the office.

One of the aspects that is most affected when implementing change in a company is the lack of connection between management and the rest of the employees. When you want to make an important change within the firm, this change has to be liked by the employees

How do you know whether or not the employees will like the change? That is where employee feedback comes in - give the employees the right to speak!

It is also important that the process of change is carried out with everyone's knowledge. To this end, it is advisable to inform the whole company about the change process itself, what is to be achieved, what resources will be available, and which professionals will be involved. Keeping the whole firm informed means keeping the whole firm united under the same project.

You have to get people excited!

Any change must be accompanied by a considerable amount of enthusiasm, otherwise this process, sometimes long and arduous, can undermine the morale or the atmosphere of the employees. Change may involve a change in routines, in the way employees work, so it is important that there is a climate of enthusiasm. 

Once the process of change has been completed, the departments and their managers must be able to observe the benefits and analyse the new work dynamics. It is a complex part, because it requires an act of examination of the company itself. 

Change allows firms to evolve and, although it is a difficult process, it is important to keep in mind that it will always lead to a better destination. Both leaders and their employees need to keep this in mind.

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