Californa Lawyers Association creates a free online Q&A portal to help people affected by the pandemic
California Lawyers Association (CLA) and Legal Access Alameda announced a new partnership hosting a free online question and answer portal through the American Bar Association’s Free Legal Answers (FLA) platform. This platform will offer pro bono legal services to Northern Californians affected by the pandemic and the recent wildfires, especially low-income residents who face limited access to legal services.
The project will provide legal support to those especially affected by COVID-19, particularly in the areas of labor and employment, housing, and family law. With a four-month pilot program in Northern California starting September 1st, the program will help residents navigate the legal landscape with support from volunteer lawyers and experts in California law. Volunteer attorneys will take required online classes in law. Expert attorneys will review answers before they go out, in order to ensure that we are providing high-quality legal services.
“When disaster strikes, the most vulnerable among us often find it hard to get the legal help they need. This partnership with Legal Access, hosting the Free Legal Answers platform, offers our volunteer attorneys a new opportunity to help our communities directly, providing access to critical resources as they navigate this pandemic", said Emilio Varanini, President of CLA.
“Giving back is paramount in our profession. Bay Area lawyers and lawyers from around the state are eager to share their expertise with those in need, and the Free Legal Answers platform provides an easy and flexible opportunity to give much needed legal advice", expressed Legal Access President Janice Cho.
For more information about this platform:
This project has counted with the support from the California Lawyers Foundation, the Bigglesworth Family Foundation, the van Löben Sels/RembeRock Foundation, and the Walter and Elise Haas Foundation, and with the partnership of the American Bar Association.
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