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Efraim Barak
He completed his law degree in the Tel Aviv University in 1987. On same year he became member of the Israeli BAR.
Efraim is also an Honorary Member of the BAR of Buenos Aires and holds a Master’s degree honoris causa in International Sports law (ISDE, 2009).
Adv. Barak started his law career as a lawyer in 1987 with D. Mirkin & Co., Advocates & Notaries. Over the years he became a senior partner as well as the managing partner of the firm. He maintained this position until his retirement from the firm at the end of 2017.
As part of his practice, he was for many years the legal adviser to important commercial clients, he specialized in labour & administrative law and also advised to leading cultural institutions in Israel such as Suzanne Dellal Center for Dance & Theater, The Performing Arts Center in Tel Aviv and the Tel Aviv Israeli Opera as well as a variety of other cultural organizations and NGO’s.
Along the years of his practice in law within D. Mirkin & Co. he has gained vast legal experience in culture , arts & management law, labor law, health-care law and at the same time developed what will become to be his main field of expertise; International sport law.
Co-author of the book "Credit Cards, Legal and Practical Aspects" (1997, together with Advocate A. Friedman).
Efraim Barak is a Professor of Sport law and member of the faculty in many academic institutions worldwide. In such capacity he is widely involved for many years in the establishment and directing of educational and academic activities and programs in sport law & sport management.
- CAS (Court of Arbitration for sport, Lausanne, Switzerland) Arbitrator - since 2005
- Member of the CAS Ad Hock Division for the Olympic Games in London 2012
- Member of the CAS Anti-Doping Ad Hoc Division for the Olympic Games in Rio 2016
- Member (since 2015) and 2nd. Vice- Chairmen of the Legal Committee of UEFA (Since 2019).
- Arbitrator at Sport Resolutions (UK) International Panel of Arbitrators and Mediators (since2018).
- Co-founder of the RexSport Association and member of the Board and treasurer
- Member of the International Association of Football Lawyers (AIAF)
- Member of the Israel BAR since 1987
- Honorary Member of the BAR of Buenos Aires (2008)
- General Counsel and Head of the legal department at the Israeli football association (2014-2017)
- Judge at the Supreme Court of the Israel Basketball Association (2009-2010)
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